Now that Major(P) John is back we can post about less important things. I have a rant.
Did I miss a memo or something? When did we start standing for God Bless America?
When I was in DC last June we went to a baseball game (it
wasn't' my idea). They played the National Anthem, of course and some of the people stood up and stood still, some put their hands over their hearts, and a very few of us actually sang along. I was pretty upset at the lack of respect for our National Anthem.
Immediately afterwards, they played God Bless America. Now I'll grant you, that is a better song and easier to sing along with, but MORE people stood up, more stood still and FAR more sang along. Some even put their hands over their hearts.
Why am I bringing this up, five months later? We had a memorial service at church yesterday which included a Veterans' Day service. At the end they sang God Bless America and everyone stood up!
Maybe it's me. I'm I crazy? Have we always been standing for God Bless America?
Even if we are, it isn't the National Anthem. I think we should treat the National Anthem with MORE respect.
Labels: music