When They Called This Guy The "Elder" I Believed 'Em

He was fairly, er, vigorous in stating what his village needed to continue it's recovery (it had the living snot pounded out of it during the Taliban/Northern Alliance fight). A school, a school, a school. That was the refrain. They hoped a clinic could open in the area, and they would have appreciated another well - but he was really hitting the point on getting a school. I like it when the first concern of a village elder is for the children of his people. I think I see why he was the village elder...
Given the dust, the summer heat and the iffy-ness of clean water in Afghan villages, the housewifely part of me wonders how it is that the white clothing these gentlemen sport always looks not only neatly pressed, but dazzlingly clean. There must be genies working in their laundries.
No, just very hard working women.
I know anonymous!!! Scroll down and look at the picture of the gentleman's traveling hat!!!
God bless those women!
Haa.. Ha ..I wonder also. Of course I wonder about all of these people. There is so much $$$ there. Yet such abject poverty. It is the devils world, that is for sure.
That warms my heart, indeed. Very nice to know leaders like him exist.
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