News - Afghanistan and my new AOI

I had to include this one just for the headline, heh.
BANG! Shah Wali Kot is one district that has seen some fighting, but this may make the Talib a bit leery of going there much more.
seen at e-ariana
Help Wanted, Talib leader, position recently vacated.
I guess this Korean paper thinks it is the hostages fault...
Exchange rate news.
And Now For Something Completely Different (sort of): IRAQ

Straight from the people on the scene - try here.
Bad Guys Dramatis Personnae - here.
My destination.
Some thoughts on Iraq and the media - cause and effect?
Next week, all Iraq (at least by me).
All the best to you, Major John. Your efforts here and elsewhere are much appreciated! Thanks!
God bless and God speed. Thanks for all your hard work. We hope you have some time to give us the good news from Iraq!
I'm looking forward to reading your "on site" thoughts and observations.
Good luck and be careful!!
Thanks so much for your hard work and service!!!
Good Luck and stay safe. Will be looking forward to your reports.
Our prayers and our gratitude go with you. All the best and keep in touch!
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