A Memorial Day Thought or Two
Lately, while looking around the net, or in the newspaper, or listening to the radio, I have heard a couple of constant things. One is the usual "relax and enjoy the holiday weekend" blather - I have nothing against relaxing, to be sure, but today is supposed to be about a little more than firing up the grill and opening a cold one. The other is a stream of exhortations to "thank a veteran" or "talk to them about their service" - which is nice, and I always am flattered when someone does this...but that is Veteran's Day material. Not today...

Today is about those that have given their lives in armed service of this country. THEY are the ones who need to be thought of - and the Gold Star Families, those left behind without Dad or Mom, Gramps or that Uncle or Aunt that everyone loved. Today is supposed to be about them.

Ed Murray, Zeke Zehring, Lou Brown, Gerry Baker, Art Turner ... VMF-323, Okinawa 1945, KIA. My Dad's buddies. Semper Fi.
Alton Bryan USN, Bataan PI, WWII, POW.
Andrew C. Henderson USMC, VMTB-242, Iwo Jima, WWII
VMF-214 Korea.
Vincent Foster, ex-Marine Scout Sniper, a contractor working for the US DoD Captured Enemy Ammunition program (securing Saddam's legacy of stockpiled ammo throughout Iraq from insurgents and terrorists). One of four men escorting a US Army convoy moving captured ammo to a disposal point, his vehicle was struck by an IED. Although mortally wounded, he returned fire on the ambushers and then tried to help his seriously wounded comrades. He died on the medevac flight. I didn't know him well, but he was a fine young man, and a credit to his family and his country. Semper Fi and RIP, Vince.
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Amen to LTC John's point and to the memory of those who gave their last full measure of devotion.
People do get confused and need reminding sometimes.
I walked with my 9yo's Girl Scout Troop in our Memorial Day parade (about the 5th year now). Someone ahead of us was tossing candy to the onlookers and my daughter said to me, "They shouldn't be doing that. This isn't the parade for that."
I don't like saying Happy Memorial Day either so I just say good morning.
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