Photo From The "Front"

I'd love to hear CSM Bones tell the story (assuming he was on the trip) since it was a trip the "Old Man" took to Herat.
The text of the email was a story about the trip that was sent to the Illinois National Guard PAO (Public Affairs Office) so I suspect it may be out there somewhere (if not waiting to show up on the latest issue of the NGAI newsletter).
Labels: Afghanistan, Deployment
That is a pretty nice magazine that the LT has in his M4.
Have said this to my guy whenever I've seen pictures -- with all that equipment on you, wrapped around you, and what you're carrying -- you also got in and out of the truck and walked and ran and spent the day like that.
That, in and of itself -- and I know there's a heck of a lot going on besides -- always was and still is amazing to me.
It gets me every time that that is so normal to you guys.
Am sooooo glad my guy is back, but for anyone still there, please, please know you are in many daily prayers.
This is us with the 205th ANA Corp Commander in Qulat north of Kandahar. We were in Herat last week. Convoyed down to Shindand and points just north of Farah. Been rough here especially for our guys in the South. We are Soldering on. Pray for our Soldiers and our Afghan brothers.
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