Real Heroes # 2

On Valentines Day there was another school shooting at Northern Illinois University by a crazy person off his meds. Nothing new here. What caught my eye was the heroic efforts of a young man named Daniel Parmenter. When the killer walked into the lecture arena with his weapons, Dan used his body to cover that of girlfriend, Lauren Debrauwere. She survived the fusillade, he did not. Another act of courage and sacrifice by a free person to protect others. Were do these incredible young people come from?
He was a Rugby player too.
Hey. I love this story and wrote a column about it last month. ( The picture you have though is a picture of me, not of Daniel Parmenter. I don't deserve to have my face associated with that courageous name!
Daniel Louis Parmenter is the twelfth cousin of yet another hero, Gary Michael Joy! Both share the same ancestor, Richard Warren from the Mayflower. Parmenter is the direct descendant of the American Revolution.
The two heroes, Daniel Louis Parmenter and Gary Michael Joy, while they are twelfth cousins, they are the extremely distant cousins of twins respectively, Norman Jay and Orman Ray Rambo and Weston "Wilson" and Winston Doty!
Daniel Louis Parmenter is the cousin of Walt Disney.
Daniel Louis Parmenter is the cousin of "Uncle" Alan Burton Hall.
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