News of Afghanistan XVI

For those in a hurry - the quick round up.
Please don't forget to check out Lemar Aftaab either.
Karzai re: A most hideous act.
This is in Kabul?!
Drought returning - efforts to help.
Now back to the War...
ISAF/NATO realizes it is in a scrap.
Helmand - heatin' up.
Heh. Or should I say "Cha-Ching!"
Now back to the rest of the News...
Hey?! When I was at Bagram, we were all ready to start on this!
Jaw Jaw time...
Huh??! I mean, really, WTF?
Well, if you are looking for drug advice, I guess these guys would know.
Knock it off! I mean it!
This week's source o' news - Pajhwok
P.S. I would have had more photos - but Blogger is up to it's usual tricks. I will try to supplement later. Bah!
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