Translation - no charge
"Our leakers were wrong. However, we are still going to print anything we can get our hands on to drive this program into the ground. That is all."
A Risk Managing Citizen-Retired Soldier, He Who Hunted Heads, A hoopy e-learning frood who is also a generative artist/teacher, A PMP'n Migratory Executive, A Running Dog Capitalist/Economist, A CSM who has had a Kipling Experience and an Author/Prop - Yummy as Krispy Kreme and as strong as Dunkin' Donuts Coffee!
Everybody is after the independent press in Afghanistan [follow the link for extra bonus cattiness between Musharraf and Kazai - meow!] Here is some more reaction.
"Yeah. I'm talkin' to you!" "We have called a press conference to berate you"
Meowrrr! C'mon, guys. Lets get this fixed, OK?
I saw this at the gallery - too cool. It is supposed to be an Ariana ticket. Beats the e-ticket I get from United...
And speaking of Ariana - here is little picture I took at Kabul Airport in June, 2004.
Now back to the war.
Nuristan is a tough place. Damn. Say a prayer for the families of the fallen, please.
The bad guys are getting killed. Alot.
Please aquire this target.
KABUL, Afghanistan – Army 2nd Lt. Luke Wheeler demonstrates proper hand signals to members of the Afghan National Army. ANA soldiers from the Central Movement Agency are responsible for moving and delivering supplies to ANA forces engaged in combat against the enemies of Afghanistan. Wheeler is assigned to the 330th Movement Control Battalion, Fort Bragg, N.C., and currently deployed to Bagram Airfield. (Photo by Army Sgt. 1st Class Michael Rautio)
Some thoughts on British involvement and history.
Over to the Dismal Science.
I sure hope this guy is right.
I sure hope this gets stopped.
Next time your local Chamber of Commerce complains about having it tough - refer them here.
Back to the rest of the world.
Afghan hunger Norway?
Afghans crazy about soccer? Yeah, I can vouch for that.
The Afghan Information site o' the week:
Friday again, eh? Must be time for the News...
I don't know how I missed this diplomatic development. Afghanistan continues to rejoin the community of nations.
Speaking of diplomacy... (This also lets me pound on one of my pet subjects as well - what do you do with the militias?)
Swords to plowshares, baby. Swords to plowshares.
See Radio Free Afghanistan's Daily Summary (the bottom story is curious, and not too good a development either).
More diplomacy! One-note Johnny today, aren't I?
Now, back to the war.
Afghanistan loves "Bollywood" - I hope Kabul Express turns out.
Arshad will next be seen in Kabul Express
Again, back to the war.
photo: U.S. Army/Spc. Jerry T. Combes
Economics, economics - the dismal science in Afghanistan (see especially this mistake - "Many Afghans are not used to paying income tax, so it will take some time for them to become accustomed to it." Really? I know I am stepping out on a limb here, but somehow I suspect the Afghans will manage to NOT pay this in droves. 5000 years of experience in trying to keep other hands off of what is theirs...)
Editorial Cartoon courtesy of e-Ariana.
More economics (and diplomacy too!)
Cry "Uncle" and receive mercy.
This week's Afghanistan News/Information source:
Make sure you look at their photo gallery too.
My blog is worth $60,970.32.
How much is your blog worth?