Hey, why cannon no work...?
Hmmm. This cannon at Fort George doesn't seem to be functional.
I can determine why! Trust my judgment. After all, I am a professional, Ordnance Corps qualified officer...
A Risk Managing Citizen-Retired Soldier, He Who Hunted Heads, A hoopy e-learning frood who is also a generative artist/teacher, A PMP'n Migratory Executive, A Running Dog Capitalist/Economist, A CSM who has had a Kipling Experience and an Author/Prop - Yummy as Krispy Kreme and as strong as Dunkin' Donuts Coffee!
My blog is worth $60,970.32.
How much is your blog worth?
Paging Professor Darwin.....
Why no work? Itsa on acounta thisa here recession.
Recession, you say?
Yeah, the employement, she go down, ita recessed
Wow, did you learn that in school?
Sure, ina school we hava recess alla the time.
See how I did that there, I killda the comments, ha ha ha ha
Very clever Pirelli, now give me a hand with this trunk...
John - I'd like to talk with you about deployment experiences. Would you write me at jlholderman@gmail.com
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