Monday, November 12, 2012

Best Veteran's Day EVER!

I retired from active military service in July, but we waited to celebrate the occasion on Veteran's Day - a magnificent two for one.  Plenty of good food and even better drink was had. I had three tables laid out with some of the interesting bits and pieces I had picked up over the almost three decades and three continents I served in and on. Some of my brothers in arms stopped by, old friends, neighbors, and family.  A wondrous close out to 27 and a half years of going here, going there and doing what I could.

My heartfelt thanks go out to all who came or thought of me on that day.

1 comment:

  1. Planning it for Veteran's Day was a great idea. Congrats on your retirement.

    Found you through, on the Free Staters comment section. I must admit your "Eff off, slaver" comment had me snorting coffee :D
