A Risk Managing Citizen-Retired Soldier, He Who Hunted Heads, A hoopy e-learning frood who is also a generative artist/teacher, A PMP'n Migratory Executive, A Running Dog Capitalist/Economist, A CSM who has had a Kipling Experience and an Author/Prop - Yummy as Krispy Kreme and as strong as Dunkin' Donuts Coffee!
Saturday, October 08, 2005
The Donut of a Military Career
I was contemplating the length and course of my military career as I prepared my last two posts. It appears that should I hang on as long as allowed (I don't think I will make it to Brigadier General, heh heh), I have already completed over two thirds of my service. I am finding it increasingly difficult to remember what it was like not being in the service. I am 39 years old, and I have been in since I was 18. I often wonder how I will feel about it when I retire or get pushed out for whatever reason (age, health, etc.).
My husband retired after 22 years in, and he misses it. He seriously considered getting back in a few months back.