Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Update from Belle Chase V

Just brought a little help to New Orleans police, the sherriff's office and others. There are many places like this one throughout the city where the various law enforcement, relief workers and others have a base of operations.
Besides first responders, military, law enforcement and relief/reconstruction outfits - we didn't see many other people other than a whole bunch of TV crews.


  1. Egads, man! Did you see the title of the dancehall behind the supplies?! That's Tipitina's, a fantastic and historic New Orleans jazz club. Professor Longhair himself dedicated a entire song to the place (featured in the film "The Big Easy," no less). I was there once about 6 years ago and was moved. As American soliers you have fought for many worthy things before - freedom, democracy, humanity, etc. But this time, well, golly...It's good to know Tipitina's was spared. I only hope Antoine's faired as well.

    P.S. I know it's petty and shallow to fear for a nightclub when there is so much real, human suffering going on in New Orleans. But it IS a heck of a club.

  2. so how about zombies? seen many of 'em? (don't ask why, but this kept me up last night.)

  3. Q, glad to help, of course.

    Maggie, the only zombie I have seen is me, when I look in the mirror. I'm TIRED.

  4. Your brains are so hot and spicy!!!
