Friday, September 23, 2005

Local Victim of Rita

When we broke camp and moved, due to Rita, I didn't realize we were going to cause some local problems. I believe this fellow had been trying to homestead under a corner of my tent...


  1. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Fine-use a dark cockroach...

    All the pale ones have left for better housing.

  2. ^^^ that's pretty funny. I like the "Send help" piece too :)

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I'm thinking that little fellow must be looking for a roach motel.

  4. Yeah, but he isn't looting...and he is smart enough to stay at the high water level!


  5. Anonymous8:27 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I'm a strong, black woman who has worked my way up to where I am and will continue to work my way up, and I just don't see anything racist in Mr. Reynold' linking to this post. In fact, I check Instapundit on the hour to see what's new. Methinks you're a bit paranoid, oliver bush.

  7. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Won't somebody please think of the cockroaches?

    Special Message To OHB:

    Typing in all caps doesn't make anyone take you seriously.

  8. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Dear OHB;

    You are an idiot.



  9. Folks - keep it civil in here or I am going to turn the comments off. I don't tell Professor Reynolds what to post, and nobody tells me what to post. This is a simple joke about a bug that was living under my tent. Sheesh.

  10. BTW - I am honored that Mr. Den Beste actually left a comment on my blog! I miss him blogging.

  11. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Mr. den Beste, with all due respect: I'm a woman, so if I win an argument with another woman, I'm most definitely not a sexist. I don't think.

    Actually, you all missed the point. I think it's pretty obvious these hurricanes and floods are just a coverup for the invasion of the Alien Cockroaches.

  12. That cockroach has a better sense of humor than some people. He's probably a poetry afficionado.

  13. Y'all can read Major John's literary efforts here.
    And a pleasant mdmznamj to you too.

  14. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I can't help but hear this in my head:

    "You are worthless Alex Baldwin, you are worthless Alex Baldwin...."

    It didn't have an accent and tell you that you were breaking it's balls, did you?


  15. Anonymous9:36 AM

    that cockroach is so poor....and so brown. - Wolf Blitzer

  16. Here you go. I have made a pome in honor of your crunchy little friend.

  17. Anonymous9:51 AM

    This is a plea for money to save minority and poor bugs left behind to die in Rita's path by an uncaring heartless Bush administration. The money will be well spent by me and my personal photographer on a non-leaky boat.

    Thank you.

  18. Anonymous10:05 AM

    nice to see at least some people posting here have a sense of humor.

  19. And you said the 33rd ASG has a lack of subordinate elements, not so. Continue Mission!!!!

  20. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Good one, Gail!

  21. Anonymous11:41 AM

    The news gets worse. There were over 600 garbage cans available to the local and state governments that could have floated these refugees to safety. Now they are all under water.

  22. Sean Penn can save him with his red plastic cup

  23. Man, now I wish I knew what OHB said -- I need a laugh.

  24. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Mr. den Beste,

    A slight adjustment: "Much Too Important To Make Jokes About" abbreviates to MTITMJA. Pronounced, "em-tit-em-ja."

    Or perhaps better -- "em-tit-em-ja... NOT!" With the cadence of a rimshot.

    cathy :-)
