Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Unbound Inner Prop...While the Major gets by

The Illinois Men's Rugby Club Old Boy's Weekend (alumni versus youngsters) saw the Inner Prop unleashed. Able to activate what Doug Buffone once described as "the Neanderthal Gene", he did quite well. I was lucky enough to play lock behind him, and did the better for it. The Prop also played in a second match, putting the rest of us to shame. Fortunately, I am not old school Shinto, or I would have had to commit seppuku right there and then.
The top picture shows the Inner Prop ready to crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and to hear the lamentations of their women. The bottom picture is me preparing to miss yet another line out throw...
It was good to catch up with old rugby friends and see how nice the University of Illinois is coming along. We aslo got to meet some blogging friends - Gail (and her family) and the Prairie Biker. For those wondering; Gail and her family are very nice, and the Prairie Biker does obey his own rules.


  1. It was great to meet you guys. I'm glad you came down.

    Ya'll played a good game on a less than optimal field.

  2. Ok, I know rugby is super-manly and all, but why does every picture of rugby players I've ever seen look like something a little fishy is going on?

    Come on, you know you were thinking it when you looked at those photos, too, you were just afraid to say it! ;)

  3. Remind me next time we get together, Tempus, to bring my rugby boots and introduce you to the "rake"...

  4. You know Tempus I never think of things like that until other people bring them up.

    AGR eluded to similar thoughts on Scribal Terror's blog. :]
