Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Will anyone hear about this on TV?

I had heard about this on the radio, and apparently the USA Today saw fit to print it. Any of us who served over in Afghanistan or Iraq aren't really surprised by this. At Bagram, AF, we ended up having to double the size of the small re-enlistment office on the base in early 2005. I personally renlisted one NCO for 6 years, and she was looking for a 3 year Active tour to boot. Considering how any recruiting shortfall is shouted from the TV screen, I have to wonder if someone like Keith Olbermann will feature this story. Yeah. Right.

1 comment:

  1. I'm re-enlisting for another 6 as soon as I get on the ground. 6 more will give me 18.

    Of course, I've always planned to stay in until they tell me I'm not allowed to come back anmore.
