Sunday, July 10, 2005


What little traffic this site gets is the result of a few things: blogrolling/links from Scribal Terror, Maggie Katzen, et al.; the original pair of Instalanches; people looking here due to comments (and a link) on Protein Wisdom or Trey Jackson's site, and not too darn much else. Thanks to those folks for getting us the visits we have had!

P.S. I know their are others out there who have linked to us here, for example uab, etc. I am just going by the traffic reports I have seen lately. I am grateful for any blogrolling or links.

UPDATE: When I get a bit o' time, I'll be adding a few more blogroll links to friends of the program.


  1. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Did you ever see that link about Zimbabwe...? I'm not quite sure how to do those...

  2. Major John, we love you at Scribal Terror. Keep up the great work.
