Monday, July 18, 2005

Gratuitous Afghanistan Photo of the Day (XXXIV)

If you are ever shopping for carpets in Kabul, stop in at Haji Qandi Shah on 123 Chicken Street, Shari-Now district and tell 'em I sent you. That's Haji Zabiullah on the right and his younger brother Jaweed on the left.


  1. so just how many carpets did you send home?

  2. I brought back 4 for myself and sent a few to family.

  3. Anonymous3:43 PM

    They kept trying to sell me cheap machine made Pakistani knockoffs so I ended up not sending any home, myself.


  4. I got all mine at the bazzar on Camp Phoenix.

    I hope the same guy is there when I go back.

    It doesn't take long to start recognizing what the quality is of what you're looking at, does it Prop?
