Friday, July 29, 2005

Dramatis Personae

I (Major John) wish to refresh everyone's recollection about who is here and why I asked them to be on this here blog.

Major John - I am the Administrator (ooh, I sound like a 60s Trek villian). I got into the blog world by falling into the role of the Instapundit's Afghanistan Correspondent [as a result of being deployed to Afghanistan 2004-2005]. I was also given some time in "Allah is in the House", "Chrenkoff" and "Tim Blair". "Major John" had been my 'comments' handle on several blogs, so I just kept it as a nom-de-blog. I was a lawyer at one time, now I work for Zurich North America. I asked some friends to join me in a group blog...

Running Dog - He is a practioner of the Dismal Science (an Economist). He was the best man at my wedding, and is a fine fellow all around. He has a weakness for puns, but I forgive him for he introduced me to good gin and single malt whisky (also, I introduced him to rugby and he got a broken collarbone for his efforts). A sharp wit to boot...

Tempus 42 - Wil E. Coyote, supra-genius. He once managed to explain 4 dimentional geometry to me, and I understood enough to be afraid (me, the man whom calculus had turned into pudding). If it is board game related, ask Brad. He knows. Period. He is probably the purest libertarian (note, small "l") of our bunch. For some reason he has the most musical talent of our bunch too (taste for heavy metal aside)...

Amiga 3000 - My oldest friend, and the one with the artistic skills. He is in academia, in the computer-instruction development/teaching world. Someday I might show you all one of his photoshop efforts. Edu-commentary is best directed to him (or the Running Dog)...

Mighty Quinn - I hope through base flattery to get him to do movie reviews again. Perhaps he will even tell of his involvment with a Ganett service paper, hmmm? He has been educated in medical ethics, and has an eclectic resume. Similar sharpness of wit to that of Running Dog, and an expertise in port wine...

Inner Prop - We were in the Guard together, deployed to Afghanistan together (I had a cool job, while he got stuck commanding the operations of a large Forward Operating Base) played rugby together in college (although he is a better player than I, knows more about the game, and seems to do waaayyyy better at avoiding injury). He will deploy his anthropology degree and Eagle Scoutness when required.

Ladies and Gentlemen...your MISERABLE DONUTS!


  1. The LOGCAP guys on Camp Phoenix had a Dounut of Misery spreadsheet that they tracked their stay on. (Cannot remember the CPT's name that showed it to me.)

    Any chance of getting a copy?

  2. RTO - shoot me an e-mail at my AKO ( and I'll send you the Donut of Misery Excel Spreadsheet...

  3. I'm clever too I am!

  4. Cool. This'll come in handy when I go back.

  5. Nice timing for this post--this is my first visit (via Mudville) so now I kinda know who's who!

    Love the blog--tell Quinn to stick to movie reviews. ;-) (just teasing, sort of)

  6. RE: Movie Reviews

    Generous Major John, I'd be delighted to post movie reviews (I wrote for a Gannett paper for about 3 years), but I have one problem. I don't see movies any more.

    Mrs. Mighty Quinn and I have whelped two youngsters in the last 3 years. In the past six months I've caught Star Wars and Batman. That's it.

    The only cinema I've seen recently has been Bob the Builder, Seasame Street and Thomas the Tank Engine. Now, a critical deconstruction of Thomas...that might be something...

  7. It doesn't have to be recent - I have two kids too and know what you mean. If you manage to pick anything up on DVD or make it to a theater, either way...

  8. I'd like to see a deconstruction of Bob the Builder. Get it, get it?

    I retract that clever thing I said earlier.
