Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Anno Horribilus? No, not that bad

I guess this would be the theme for the year at Miserable Donuts. I was "Blue Star" until November, and CSM Bones has been ever since then. I was in Iraq for some very decisive moments. CSM Bones is in Afghanistan for, what I believe, will be some as well.

"Without Which, It Cannot Be Done" - pardon my miserable Latin. That was my Brigade's motto and I think it fit for all those who made sure I was supported abroad, and my family at home. My parents and in-laws who helped with the kids, my friends and neighbors who helped with everything around the neighborhood and kids school, my co-workers who sent unbelievable amounts of good and useful things for me and my brothers in arms from Scotland and Iraq.

I had internet/blogging friends send support - Scott P, of Desert Island Foods and happyfeet, of Protein Wisdom fame came through with timely support as well.

My wife and kids, most of all, were the reason I could take care of business without despair or distraction. I love them all more deeply.

Those that fell, I won't forget that you made it possible for me to be back with my family, friends and co-workers.
May this new year see fewer of them.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Your Business-Speak Example of the Day

From an e-mail from an insurance executive to all employees:

We are finishing strong and remain well positioned to capitalize on key opportunities. We are out in the marketplace with increased confidence, leveraging our value proposition and capabilities with our customers and brokers. While 2009 promises to be challenging, we will continue in our efforts to lead the market.

Translation: Unlike our competitors *cough* *AIG* *cough* we are still alive and mostly well. We are picking the bones of our failing competitors, which is good news for the sales people and underwriters (who had all been updating their resumes and searching 2009 will kinda suck, so don't get cocky or you can still find yourself holding up a cardboard sign that reads "Will adjust claims for food".

Friday, December 26, 2008

33rd BCT takes charge of TF Phoenix

Two men I have served with, and respect.
The 33rd BCT has held the Transfer of Authority and is now TF Phoenix. Their charge is to develop and assist the Afghan security forces. The have a tough job, but they are tough men.
Godspeed guys.

Monday, December 22, 2008

CSM Bones and his crew

CSM Bones reports that the 33rd BCT has had authority transferred to it, and they are now running TF Phoneix in Afghanistan. He sent a picture of the TF PSD - his traveling crew. Rough looking lot, eh? I hope they keep him safe!

Gratutitous Photo of Scots Working on a Radio

At Camp Wessam, Summer of 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gratuitous Photo of a British Helocopter

RAF Merlin at Mahmud Al Kasim, Summer of 2008.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gratuitous Photo of Weaponry

Ironically, this might be the weapon I am the least proficient with...

Friday, December 12, 2008


While returning to Baghdad one afternoon, our Blackhawk stopped at a small landing pad on the outskirts of town. I settled back and thought I might take a picture or two... I had no idea that someone was rushing over with a couple of pizzas, of all things, to send to our final destination.

I suspect that this might be one of the more exotic delivery means for a pizza that I will ever see.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

When Commanders in Chief Go Bad

Remember, the legal presumption is innocent until proven guilty. However, this should prove very interesting. Come the 12th of December (my discharge date from active duty) the Governor of Illinois is my Commander in Chief again...

Monday, December 08, 2008

One view of the retail world this Season

As seen from the office, 3 pm on December 5th, 2008. There are still a lot of people with money around these parts - and they mean to spend it. I hope it helps keep things moving along.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Back to the Civilian Work World

First day back at work at the Swiss Insurance Behemoth. One normally wouldn't think of being in an office as something to be happy about - but I am...
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