International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Jus' ta lighten yer mood. I wanted ta be remindin' ye all that today, the 19th day of September in the year of our Lord 2008 be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Won't the locals be cornfused, ha ha.
A Risk Managing Citizen-Retired Soldier, He Who Hunted Heads, A hoopy e-learning frood who is also a generative artist/teacher, A PMP'n Migratory Executive, A Running Dog Capitalist/Economist, A CSM who has had a Kipling Experience and an Author/Prop - Yummy as Krispy Kreme and as strong as Dunkin' Donuts Coffee!
My blog is worth $60,970.32.
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Ohoy, yon Peeing Major has left ya hangin from the yardarm by your squeekies. Makin ya out to be daft fur puttin up silly stuff on POW day. Tickle his ribs with your cutlas, I say.
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